Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
A Korean Snack, Pt. 2

That's a big name tag you got there.

Puppies love chewing on their leashes.

Snack is no exception.

Sunday, August 17, 2008
A Korean Snack, Pt. 1
Cathy's sister Sarah adopted a puppy recently. As far as we know, she is a Boxer mix. Sarah decided to name her Snack. That's right, Snack. A tasteless joke regarding Snack's tastiness would be (in)appropriate now.
Here she is!
Snack's paw, Sarah's hand. We're wondering how big she's going to get. Her paws are medium sized which, according to some, means she will be medium sized. Although that would make sense, I think that "rule" is more of a guesstimate than anything. I mean, have you ever seen a Basset Hound's paw?
Snack likes taking naps.
More photos to come.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Going to California
Headed out to California in a couple days to visit family, go backpacking, and chill out.
We're backpacking Lassen Volcanic National Park for five nights, four days. I've never been there so I'm pumped to check it out. Word on the street is that it should also be much less crowded than Yosemite. I've backpacked in Yosemite a couple times, and it really can be a zoo in some places.
Anyway, looking forward to some good trails and good times!
Year old point & shoot photo of Ryan relaxing after paddling out to the Mokulua Islands. For some reason, the waves here converged from different angles and flowed directly into each other. It was a nice spot to hang out at.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Micro 4/3 and a Honeybee
Olympus recently announced Micro 4/3. Probably no one cares about this except for me, but I think it's interesting photography news. It's basically a dSLR, but they take the SLR out of it. Same sensor, same resolution, interchangeable lenses, all on a much smaller camera body. It's not without it's obvious disadvantages but it would be a nice option to have.
Under uncontrolled conditions, getting a picture of an insect in flight is a pain. One millimeter either way and Mr. Honeybee here would've been thrown out of focus. Nabbed this one about a month ago in Michigan.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Disc Golf
Cathy and I played disc golf last weekend. I haven't played in years. I used to play a lot in high school when I had lots of time and was generally up to no good. Anyway, it was a short but fun course, and it was a nice walk through the woods.
Aw yeah.
Basically, you throw a frisbee from a pre-determined location...
...and try to get it into this funny looking basket, as Cathy is so expertly demonstrating here.
Sometimes you have water hazards, other times you have train hazards (yes, that's a freight train in the background).
After playing a super mega intense round of disc golf, we went and got food at one of my favorite Thai restaurants. Here is Cathy contemplating the day's super mega intense round of disc golf while waiting for our food.
Green curry. Whenever I go to a Thai restaurant for the first time, I always order the green curry and then judge the quality of the restaurant solely off that one dish. It's my Thai restaurant quality litmus test.