Saturday, March 15, 2008

Buying Glass

Replaced my lenses, and so far I'm pretty pleased. Although I haven't done much more than take them out of their boxes, shoot a couple test shots, and put them away so I can go make myself a sandwich.

Here's one test shot from the 12-60:

A fraction of the view from Cathy's.

I took this next one right after I powered up the other lens to check it. It isn't much of a photo, but it captures one of Q's peculiarities that always makes me laugh:

He makes that face everytime he scratches himself. What a weirdo.

Like I said, haven't had much of a chance to use them, and partially because I'm still having a blast with my 50mm:


Kya and Cathy

Deep in thought, Q was pondering how he could obtain the piece of bread he was being taunted with.

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