Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day in Michigan

Cathy and I spent the past weekend in Michigan, cramming in Memorial Day, Mother's Day, and Father's Day in one trip. Great weather, delicious food, giving of gifts, nature walks, catching up, and a new laptop (which I am using to write this post). Even so, the end was bittersweet: I left Quentin in Michigan to get a dog tune up. I somehow convinced/tricked myself into leaving him in the very capable and caring hands of my parents to get his shots updated. And neutered. I hope he doesn't end up hating me.

Quentin always gets himself into trouble. This time he scraped up his paw while running around like a maniac. Just a superficial wound, but he had to wear a sock while hanging out outside. He gets the nickname "Limpy Q" a little too often these days.

Cathy, my brother Eric, and I got my mom earrings. She said in the past that she would like something with the birthstones of her sons, ruby and sapphire. Looking for something simple and wearable but elegant and unique, I went to Ahn's Jewelry in Chicago and found exactly what I was looking for (post doesn't do them justice, I had my grimy paws all over them while taking the photo).

I spent some time inspecting my parents' garden and taking a couple photos of the tulips.

We spent a decent time outside enjoying the weather, such as walking to a carnival to get cotton candy (my mom was craving it), exploring the local nature preserve, skipping stones on Orchard Lake, and taking a quick stroll through the quiet campus at St. Mary's College.

I miss my best friend.

1 comment:

Eucalyptusgal said...

Aww, C told me about Q yesterday and I was so sad for you guys! The sock on the paw is heartbreakingly cute! Those earrings are really pretty btw. Glad your mom liked them!