Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year

Well, that's the last of a very eventful 2008. Although 2009 is already shaping up to be quite the anticipation abounds. Also, this means the blog has been around for a full year now. I hope you've enjoyed it, despite it lacking a bit in actual substantive material.

Good times.

Here's to the balancing act we call life. Have a healthy and happy New Year everyone.

And of course, no event is complete without balancing something on my dog's head:

What a great guy. I'll never get tired of putting random crap on his head.


Anonymous said...

Obama made a mistake not appointing Quentin to be his Secretary of State. Anyone who knows Quenton - anyone who looks at this picture - has no doubt that he would bring peace and love to the world. Hang in there, Quenton. The time will come....Happy New Year!

Eucalyptusgal said...

Happy New Year!!