Wednesday, February 3, 2010


One thing about winter is that I spend a bit more time inside than outside. This extra time lends itself well to my cooking hobby, particularly when preparing time consuming foods. One of those foods is homemade pasta, which I make regularly due to my predilection for Italian food. The process is relatively straightforward but fairly it's labor intensive and requires a surplus of time. All worth it though, since store bought pasta just pales in comparison.

Components for a basic pasta. Proportions vary depending on how it will be prepared and how it will be cut. You can also pretty much include reasonable amounts of anything else to make things like spinach pasta, tomato basil pasta, apple pasta, beer pasta...

Post-knead. I knead pasta dough by hand. It's the best way to determine when everything is properly incorporated. Plus it's the only cromulent way to embiggen your dorsal spaghetti muscle. Located directly above your wrist and below your ankle.

Then roll it out, thickness depending again on what the pasta is intended for. Doing this by hand requires some finesse in order to maintain consistent sheet width and thickness from end to end. This is important because the only thing worse than lopsided pasta is racism. What? Anyway, after rolling it out, break out your knife (or chitarra or mixer attachment) and get your cut on.

This is about half the batch. Saporous.

1 comment:

Thechairman said...

Yo, Albert, it's your cousin, Jeff. Nice pics, dude. They ought to be a magazine or something.