Thursday, October 29, 2009

And We're Back

Cathy and I got back from our Super Gleeful Honeymoon Action Quest today. After walking in the door I promptly took a six hour coma-nap. Besides all the traveling, we were extra tired due to having fell ill the last couple of days. I suspect some mischievous clams and a few other unscrupulous bivalves were responsible.

We're next headed to good ol' Michigan where I plan to roll around on the ground with Quentin and be scoffed at by Kya.

I took this photo in Seoul. Just take my word for it.

More honeymoon-relevant photos (with actual content) will be posted soon. For serious.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Today I Got My Butt Rubbed

We arrived in Bali last night and spent today in complete relaxation mode. Korea has been awesome, but it involved a lot of running around. That's why it was nice for Cathy and I to kind of relax and recuperate today. A bento breakfast, a quick swim, a tasty lunch on the patio, a walk on the beach, two hours at a spa with Cathy (totally weirded me out but she loved it), a delicious dinner on the beach, and all sorts of fresh fruit throughout the day. We have a couple more fun-filled days here before heading back to Korea and I plan to soak it all up. Good times.

No photos again, although I have a bunch since I've been toting my camera around like the Asian tourist I am. From the looks of it, I probably won't be posting any until I get back to Chicago and have some time to sort through them...

Ok that's it for now, back to our Happy Fun Time Good Ultra Honeymoon Escapade!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I Ate a Sea Slug

Quick post from Ulsan.

Cathy and I arrived at Incheon International Airport relatively unscathed and immediately started our 100% Happy Time Korean Adventure. We spent a day in Seoul where we had some shabu-shabu and wandered some street markets. After that, we flew to Ulsan to visit one of Cathy's numerous aunts and uncles. The seafood here is ridiculously good since it is right by good ocean fishing. It is also here that I ate a delicious baby silk worm and a still moving sea slug. The silk worm tasted like most other babies, earthy and nutty.

No photos for now, I'm too busy to transfer them. But stay tuned for more updates from Cathy and Albert's Mega Wonderful Honeymoon Super Odyssey!

Monday, October 12, 2009


I am.
Much love and thanks to all the friends and family, it was great to see and be with everyone. It's rare that I can be with all my close friends or family at the same time so the weekend was special to me on many different levels.

And by the way, all the credit for the wedding must go to my lovely and beautiful wife Cathy. Our amazing wedding was the culmination of countless hours of her imagining, planning, organizing, creating, crafting, working, and loving.

In a couple days we're traveling all over South Korea to see some of Cathy's extended family and then to Bali for ourselves. Excitement abounds. I'll be sure to post travel updates and other assorted crap while I'm out there, at least whenever I have spare time and an internet connection.

Photo unrelated.

Swing ride.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


...minutes until the wedding ceremony. Cathy enjoys being informed of exactly how much time she has left for planning. Wait that's not totally accurate. Replace "enjoys" with "despises."

Actually now it's 8510 minutes left. Almooost there.

Another one while hiking up Camelback. I feel like this is an apt photo for a motivational posters. Like "Determination" or "That's it we're lost."