Saturday, May 31, 2008


The month of May came and went surprisingly fast for me. A month or two ago I felt like I was biding my time and waiting for summer to arrive, but now that it's basically here, I forgot why I was waiting for it.

Oh well. Here's to another morning.

One of the French presses given to Cathy from her brother Eddie.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day in Michigan

Cathy and I spent the past weekend in Michigan, cramming in Memorial Day, Mother's Day, and Father's Day in one trip. Great weather, delicious food, giving of gifts, nature walks, catching up, and a new laptop (which I am using to write this post). Even so, the end was bittersweet: I left Quentin in Michigan to get a dog tune up. I somehow convinced/tricked myself into leaving him in the very capable and caring hands of my parents to get his shots updated. And neutered. I hope he doesn't end up hating me.

Quentin always gets himself into trouble. This time he scraped up his paw while running around like a maniac. Just a superficial wound, but he had to wear a sock while hanging out outside. He gets the nickname "Limpy Q" a little too often these days.

Cathy, my brother Eric, and I got my mom earrings. She said in the past that she would like something with the birthstones of her sons, ruby and sapphire. Looking for something simple and wearable but elegant and unique, I went to Ahn's Jewelry in Chicago and found exactly what I was looking for (post doesn't do them justice, I had my grimy paws all over them while taking the photo).

I spent some time inspecting my parents' garden and taking a couple photos of the tulips.

We spent a decent time outside enjoying the weather, such as walking to a carnival to get cotton candy (my mom was craving it), exploring the local nature preserve, skipping stones on Orchard Lake, and taking a quick stroll through the quiet campus at St. Mary's College.

I miss my best friend.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Cathy's Cupcakes

More creations from Cathy's Kitchen:

A squad of chocolate cupcakes.

A trio of short-lived cupcakes, and an equally short-lived glass of milk.

Flower detail. The jagged edges of the lavender rose are a nice little realistic touch.

Another rose in a cleaner, but more standard, style. Really liked the colors.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Saw this crazy hydrant while taking a walk down Addison:

I stared at it for a while. I felt like there was something to figure out about it, but then I figured out there really isn't.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Vault o' Shoes

Going to Michigan for Memorial Day. I anticipate good times but terrible traffic. I wish I could just walk there. It would reduce my carbon footprint significantly.

Speaking of footprints, the weather is getting better so I have transitioned into sandal mode and have set my pair of street shoes aside. I own maybe five pairs of shoes. Some people own more. I won't say who.

This is probably 1/5 of the collection.

Holy shit why.

That's a lot of footwear.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008


It's really not as bright as it looks.

I walk the dogs here a lot.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Edible Homework

Cathy enrolled in a cake decorating class recently. She worked hard on her first (delicious) assignment, and created an excellent piece of cake bakery (the photos don't do it justice, it was at night and the lighting was bad, but hopefully you get the idea).

A blank single-layered (tasty) canvas.

Finished product. Color coordinated for spring.

Flower detail. The red accents in the center of the flowers are key.

Side detail.

I'm anxiously waiting for the results of her next (scrumptious) class.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Windward Dog

I'm always wondering what kinds of things in the environment dogs are aware of because of their sense of smell. Although I'm guessing that most of the time it's probably something that I really don't want to be aware of anyway... like the puddle of dog pee down the road, or knowing that the baby down the street crapped itself, or knowing that the guy making your burger didn't wash his hands after taking a piss, etc.

Passively smelling high-velocity odors.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Curiosity Satisfied

When I go shopping at the local store, I always see something called a kiwano, also aptly named a horned melon. I've been wanting to try it for months now. The other week, I finally bought one:

Photographed to record the epic moment. It tastes like a combination between a kiwi, cucumber, and an apple. It's also about as easy to eat as a pomegranate. Meaning it's a pain in the ass to eat.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lincoln Park Zoo, Pt. 2

Forgot I had some more shots from my 70-300mm lens testing at the zoo.

Different, but more of the same. Or something like that:

There were a group of flamingos hanging out. While they mostly got along, a couple of them would start trying to beat each other up, seemingly at random (but I'm guessing not). You know, these flamingos didn't seem all that pink to me. They must need more Beta carotene.

Legs. Tags. Dirt. Crap.


Ostriches do not actually bury their heads when scared.

Giraffe. Long eyelashes.

Maybe one or two more later (of animals without long necks).

Monday, May 5, 2008

Planes, Cupcakes, Tango, Steaks, Pizza, Hot Dogs, Beer, Wine...

...capoeira, harmonicas, rain, sunshine, and a wet dog were just some of the things involved when my brother Eric visited this weekend.

I watched some planes fly by from a Steak & Shake parking lot while waiting for Eric's plane to land.

A chocolate cupcake made by Cathy. I watched my brother devour a couple of these after slathering obscene amounts of Cathy's homemade almond frosting on them.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Iffy-weather weekends.

Quentin and Kya behind a stadium.