Sunday, September 28, 2008

San Fran, Organic Ice Cream, and Sake Tasting

The day after Santa Cruz, we went to San Francisco to hang out. I've been there a couple times and always had a good time and this was no exception.

After a nice Italian dinner, we went to was Bi-Rite Creamery. They use local and organic ingredients, and generally appear to be eco-friendly - my kind of place. The ice cream is awesome too. Pic taken with Cathy's Sony p&s.

Rie, Eric, Roland, Me, Cathy. My brother got stung by a hornet in San Francisco. Five days rolling around in the woods with swarms of hornets, and neither of us got stung. But A couple hours in the city, and bam - hornet sting. Pic taken by a stranger with Cathy's Sony p&s.

To soothe his pain, Eric and I decided to do some sake tasting. We bought a couple bottles from a place called True Sake, I think. After getting back home, we cracked them open and gave em a taste. We tasted the middle bottle until it was gone. Delicious. One of my first posts, here, on this blog had a photo of booze and my brother, so this photo was taken in the same spirit.

Good times.

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