Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winter Solstice

Not quite, but it sure feels like it with the 6 inches of snow on the ground.

I'm not sure if it's really the way I am or if it's because I'm making excuses for living in Chicago, but I need my seasons. In theory, I think I'd love to live in a mild climate. It would be ideal in so many ways. Yet at the same time, my life has a rhythm with the distinct seasons. Without them, my year would be a song with no discernable beginning or end, no ups and downs, no build up, no catharsis.

Then again, there is something to be said about being able to wear sandals 365 days in a row. I suppose that's like a year long face-melting guitar solo set on repeat.

Q. Snow. Stick.


Anonymous said...

Dear Human/Non-human Resources Manager:

It is my pleasure writing this letter to support Quentin's application for a groundkeeping job in your park/country club.
I have seen this guy perform over the years. I don't remember one time when he saw a fallen twig or branch and did not pick it up. Better yet, he shreds them into mulch using nothing but his own teeth. In this harsh economic environment, his compensation expectations are totally negotiable and may consist of non-cash items like Milk Bones (large preferred). The photo is attached for your information. I recommend him without the slightest hesitation.

albot said...

ahaha wow