Saturday, April 25, 2009


So there's a Korean grocery store down the street that sells all sorts of great Asian food. The only problem with it is that they don't really have any decent dumplings. Its a problem because I crave them all the time. Well, my dumpling craving last week was particularly strong so I said screw it, I'm making them myself:

The last one about five seconds before I polished it off. Actually, the wraps were not made from scratch. I just don't think it's worth the effort. A basic wrap is really nothing but flour and water, so I just bought some pre-made ones made of the same.

The single earliest memory I have is one of me sitting at a kitchen table watching my aunt make homemade dumplings. The memory is somewhat unique because while I see a image of the situation in my mind, I have no idea what happened before or after that moment in time. I'm don't know the significance of that memory, but it's certainly something my brain has chosen never to forget.

1 comment:

Eucalyptusgal said...

I used to watch my gramma make dumplings in a wok all the time. Fond memories.