Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lincoln Park Zoo, Pt. 2

Forgot I had some more shots from my 70-300mm lens testing at the zoo.

Different, but more of the same. Or something like that:

There were a group of flamingos hanging out. While they mostly got along, a couple of them would start trying to beat each other up, seemingly at random (but I'm guessing not). You know, these flamingos didn't seem all that pink to me. They must need more Beta carotene.

Legs. Tags. Dirt. Crap.


Ostriches do not actually bury their heads when scared.

Giraffe. Long eyelashes.

Maybe one or two more later (of animals without long necks).


Anonymous said...


Great blog dude! I like your natural light, natural color style. Everything feels approachable.

Cool preening flamingo. Although I noticed you have lots of birds on your blog. Not much else in Chicago I guess? :)

albot said...

well, there was a cougar in my area a couple weeks ago. you think I'm joking, but I'm not.

unfortunately, it's dead now thanks to Chicago's finest. I guess using tranquilizers was too hard, so they opted for lead. nice.