Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dogs Dogs Dogs Dogs

Cathy's sister Sarah came into town over the weekend and we all went to Julie and Tim's place (and their multi-acre yard) in Wisconsin to hang out. When I say we, I mean Albert, Cathy, Sarah, Quentin, Kya, Snack, and Kona. That's a 4:3 Canis lupus to Homo sapien ratio - my kind of ratio.

Most of the time I was running around like an idiot so I didn't get any great photos, but I did have a chance to take a couple for posterity's sake:

This is Kona, Sarah's friend's black lab. I don't think he's even two years old yet so he was a total goofball. Awesome dog.

He's got a big head just like Quentin, lol.

Triple dog (lighting situation made DOF difficult, so only Kona is in focus).

Quentin, being a bit older now, promptly passed out after a couple hours of running around.

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