Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wintry Dog Mix

I'm going to have to interrupt my line of food posts for now. We were in Michigan this past weekend to relax, celebrate my mom's birthday, and ring in the Chinese New Year with Nickbot where I drank entirely too much scotch while arguing the merits of having a knife over a handgun during a close quarters bear fight, much to the chagrin of our wives. Anyway, when I'm out there I tend to do a lot of wandering around and this time was no different. I've said it before and I'll say it again, winter wandering is great in a lot of ways, particularly because there is usually no one else around. It's a nice respite from the bustling city.

Walking the dogs with pops. At this point he was carrying about five pounds of dog crap in a couple bags.

A pair of cross-country skiers created paths which Kya tended to stick to. I think she thought they were mini-sidewalks or something.

Q running through snowfall as the snow falls. His ears provide lift.

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