Monday, November 17, 2008

Great Blue Heron

Took a walk around a random park during the summer. I ended up spending some time on a small lake watching this heron fish for food. He was pretty cautious, and took flight when I first walked to the lake (but returned a couple minutes later). He moved very slowly, peering into the water from all sorts of angles. I did my best to sneak around to avoid bothering him.

I was lucky to get this shot. I retreated from the lake to change my position and came back in a roundabout way to hide behind a tree. I waited for him to walk by so that I would be in his blind spot, but he seemed to be taking too long. I peeked around the tree just in time to see his first and only attempt at catching a fish. He snapped his head into the water, speared this bluegill, promptly ate it, and then flew away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool man, that 2nd one crazy. Congrats on the engagement too.