Tuesday, November 25, 2008


It's about that time. End of the harvest. The one day I might consider giving sweet potatoes another chance. Black Friday Eve. Turkey o'clock as we in the biz say. Thanksgiving.

My parents are coming in for the week. We'll be spending the holiday at Cathy's parents' house for a hybrid Korean/American feast. Meaning turkey served here, ggakdugi over there, maybe some stuffing in this bowl, octopus on a stick on that plate, and of course a number of desserts from Cathy.

So most people get together and become hedonists for a day, but remember it's also a day to appreciate what you have in a spiritual sense (or material, if that's what floats your boat). I think a lot of people, including me, often get carried away with all sorts of irrelevant shit. The inverse is true too, which is equally unfortunate. So kick back for a moment and take some time to reflect, to consciously put things in perspective. I do it whenever I can - and I think it helps me stay grounded in an increasingly ungrounded world.

Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Cathy tossing caramels. She was making a turtle cheesecake.

Taken at the Robert Sinskey Vineyard. We did some wine tasting there. As you can see, there was another tasting going on in the koi pond, lol.


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