Monday, January 12, 2009

Dragonfly and a Pond Memory

Another backlogged photo post:

Dragonfly in my parents' backyard. Interesting thing here is that the reflection on the compound eye is roughly hexagonal. I know that the tens of thousands of individual ommatidia the eye itself is composed of are generally hexagonal.  The similarity in shapes must be related, and also probably has something to do with the shape of the eye itself.  Answers anyone? If you are still reading this science crap, you are a winner.

When I was a kid, I used to go fishing at these little ponds in my neighborhood. As I would cast and re-cast my lure, I remember watching bluetail damselflies (which look like miniature dragonflies) fly around. They'd hover over the algae patches, land on my fishing pole, compete for mates, and just hang out with me as I zoned out. Good times damselflies, good times.