Friday, January 23, 2009

Cooking, Eating, Living

One of my (many) hobbies is eating, so naturally another one of my hobbies is cooking - although half the time I have no idea what I'm doing. And as you know, another one of my hobbies is photography, so here are some lamb chops I made the other day:

Broiled lamb chops with a red wine reduction. With lamb, keep it simple. Anything past salt and pepper should be carefully considered. Then again, I'm a lawyer, so you might not want to take culinary advice from me.

I enjoy making and eating simple and savory foods. Yes, I suppose I enjoy "fine" dining, exotic flavors, and molecular gastronomy, but in the end I prefer food that has a minimum of ingredients and a maximum of flavor. Like life, I care less about nuance and subtlety than I do about being straightforward and honest. You should also know that my nickname used to be "Garbage Mouth" due to my indiscriminate eating habits, so...yeah.

1 comment:

Eucalyptusgal said...

That looks super delicious. Awesomeness