Sunday, November 22, 2009

Honeymoon Summary, Part 5

The last couple days of our trip were relatively uneventful. After Bali, we decided to take it easy and so didn't try to cram in too much the last couple of days.

We went to this seafood joint by the ocean and ate a bunch of grilled shellfish. It was tasty...but I suspect it was here that we got destroyed by a case of food poisoning. About 24 hours later, Cathy and I were sick as dogs and sequestered ourselves in our hotel room. I recovered relatively quickly but Cathy struggled with it for a bit. I haven't been in the mood for seafood since.

Gwanaksan Mountain in Seoul. We were originally supposed to go to Seoraksan Mountain way out east but did not due to our near death conditions. Instead, after semi-recovering, we went to Gwanaksan where I took a nice hike up to the top. It's a much smaller mountain but still provided some good scenery, expansive views, and fun minor climbing. Sweet radar equipment...

Gwanaksan climber. As you can tell from his getup, this dude was really into it. He would pick a weird route, climb it as fast as he could, and then strike this Mr. Cool pose everytime.

The next day we took a bus down to Itaewon. It was pretty unremarkable. Although there were some interesting antique shops and nice restaurants, it was a bit too touristy for me. Anyway, I took of photo of this yellow scene and thought I'd share it with you. Yeah.

Hotel Novotel, our home in Seoul. It was a basic hotel but we stayed there so long that I actually missed the place after we left. Good times.

And one more beverage photo. I knew this was Canada Dry because the said so.

And that's about it for the summary! We did a lot of other stuff but I just wanted to give the gist of it here. All in all, a most excellent honeymoon.

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