Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I've Seen This Before...

I almost forgot: I bought a new lens over the weekend. Expect to see some inane pictures as it give it a workout in the next couple weeks.

More interestingly, on my way back from buying the new lens, I saw a plume of smoke around where I normally park. I passed an alley and saw that a small garage was on fire, with no firemen in sight.

It was amazing how quickly the fire swallowed up the whole garage. When I first got there, not much fire was visible. Probably a minute later, the whole thing was up in flames. Seeing this brought back memories of when the garage in the house I grew up in somehow caught on fire, and I essentially watched it burn to the ground.

Setting up.

Still setting up.

Putting it out. You might have noticed that the flames started burning the electrical wires above it. This sent sparks flying while firemen were spraying water everywhere. I decided to step a little further away. Also, the firemen seemed to have trouble getting that hose going. And in fact, once it was going, the fireman holding it accidentally blasted two firemen with it (unfortunately I did not capture that priceless moment).

Parked right around the corner.

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